Words to inspire 141116

Words to inspire:

I wrote this song #spoken at a time when I acknowledged what it was to be free. Sometimes there’s a release when you voice things. Funnily enough, I wrote this song but I didn’t actually write it. I was just sitting down one day and spoke to myself as I pressed play on a voice recorder and all the words came out and that was that.
I’ve heard this song a million times now and you might have too but the words for me never get old. Depending on where I am, it speaks to me differently. It’s a reminder to me when I forget how far I’ve come. At times when I want a change, I remember that some changes have to start with me. We are responsible for our choices so if we want something different we may need to choose something different to get a different result.
I no longer want to be enslaved by my past and what happened yesterday and the days before that, so I’m choosing not to be.

Peace and love


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