Words to inspire 101116

I work with children in lots of different capacities. While working with children it’s best to be yourself because they can detect when you are being a fake and a phoney and trying to be something that you are not. They might not always tell you but they know. I happen to have children and work with children who openly tell me. When I’m not feeling myself I’m a bit quieter than usual, especially if I’m menstruating and riding through the pain. It happened to me the other day and within 5 minutes of working on a 1:1 with a little girl, she asked me whether I was feeling ok. I thought I was disguising it very well but obviously not.

Sometimes in life we disguise who we really are. This could be because we wait for others to give us the go ahead to be ourselves. I wasted lots of years of my life trying to please people and be who they wanted me to be. It took so much out of me. It was hard work acting on a stage all the time. It actually started to change who I was really meant to be.
We might change our true characters to fit into a particular circle of people and situations. There is a need for appropriate behaviour in particular places but appropriateness is in the eyes of the beholder. The world is very good at creating rules about how we should act and conform. Lots of those rules are manmade but we follow it because others have told us to.
As you know I have two children on the Autistic spectrum and although we have taught them about good manners and politeness, we have never succeeded in teaching them how to be like others or how to like another person. My lil lady in particular reads people and sees through people really well. As a result she will not pretend to like people. If she does, she does and you are blessed. If she doesn’t there’s a reason and there’s nothing anyone can say to change that. Even if it’s a close family member and we hope she would connect with them, if she doesn’t connect with them she won’t put on an act. I used to be embarrassed about that, more for the other person but not now as I know she is just being herself. I can’t make that child be something she is not. She knows exactly who she is and she is being exactly who she is too.
We might not be ourselves because we don’t know who we are and who we are supposed to be. I struggled with this for ages. Some of us just know but some of us have to go on an exploration and find ourselves in order for to be ourselves. We all need to grow and with growth change does come but the foundation remains the same if it’s rooted correctly.
I believe we all have a purpose and we have a character that belongs to us. It may appear that our character needs to adapt to the purpose but personally I think perhaps we just haven’t fully discovered our character and started living with it.
Certain situations in life tried to kill aspects of my personality but when those chains were broken and I was set free the real me came alive again. I’m still working on believing everything about me and understanding the possibilities. I’m a work in progress.
If you are tired of being something you aren’t. Explore you, find you and be free to be you! Nothing else will work.

Peace and love


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