Words to inspire 091116

Words to inspire:

Lots of people will be shocked and saddened by the US election news but also there will be lots of people who will be extremely happy. Either way I have taken something from this story.
Trump was a business man and a reality tv show character but never had a job in politics. He just had a dream which lots of people may have laughed at, because he really didn’t have the qualifications which were previously required. Well, someone made up that rule but he kind of crushed it…
I’ve had lots of dreams and in the past I have talked myself out of them because I didn’t think I had the correct qualifications to do them. One day I realised, if I am given an assignment the Almighty will equip me for it. If there are things I need to know, I don’t necessarily have to learn everything because I may be sent people who have those things, to help me. Trump will not lead the USA on his own, he will have advisers and helpers.
Last year I was convinced that I needed to do a particular thing in order to fulfil a big dream I have. Now I don’t think I do. There could be another way?! Just because others had to walk along that path doesn’t mean I can’t get in a helicopter and fly over it and get to the finish line.
Trump had to enter a race in order to compete with Clinton and win.
So we can dream big, but first we need to enter the race to give us a chance of winning. #LessonLearnt

Peace and Love


Bike race

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