Words to inspire 081116

Words to inspire:

Children often have the right idea in life in my view. Even when things are going on that might be troubling, they can still find time to enjoy themselves.
I watched my lil lady in the park in Brooklyn on a hot summer’s day. She saw a fountain and was apprehensive at first and then thought, why not and just ran through it with her clothes on. The joy on her face brightened up my world at a time when there wasn’t lots of light in my heart.
It really made me think. Sometimes we take life so seriously and in the midst of the day to day grind we forget to have fun. Then we wonder why we are miserable or low a lot of the time. We spend lots of time overthinking rather than doing things that might bring joy.
Through some really tough weeks I had to find fun. I continued music sessions with children and some parents asked me whether I could still do it and I told them “I need to do it!” I tell you, on some of the darkest days of my life, watching children have fun with music and laugh, really lifted my soul. It was so important and actually life changing for me. I believe that our bodies and souls need to be fed with good things which then has an influence on the way we feel.
There’s a beautiful family I know that have a set day each week when different members of the family go out. One week it could be mum and dad, next week mum and son etc. Omg I love watching what they do. Its so unbelievably cute, totally inspiring and it really warms my heart. In some of our lives it might not be easy to get out as a family or as a couple a lot of the time but it’s still important to have fun however we can.
Fun could be a good distraction from the woes of life even if it’s only for an hour a week. We all need a release. Like I’ve said before there’s thousands of seconds to choose from each week.
I’m often fooling around like a child. One day my boy told to grow up and act my age so I quickly provided an adjustment there. Having fun is not age related and I needed him to understand that and not believe the lie that the world has created. I might be silly sometimes but I didn’t know there was a life’s manual that tells us we can’t do certain things at certain ages. As long as the trampoline can hold my weight I’m going to continue jumping of it. As long as my hands can control the water gun I’m going to have water fights in the summer.
Adult life can be boring at times, so perhaps we need to take a leaf out of a child’s book, stop taking life so seriously and have fun when we can. If your body allows it, try to run, skip and laugh.

Peace and love


Run skip laugh

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