Words to inspire 071116

Words to inspire:

I was watching my children shoot hoops, as our family across the ocean would call it. It was wonderful to watch. I remember when neither of them could even hold a ball that size, let alone hold it still and shoot.
I watched the way both of them tried to get the ball in the net. My young man could shoot from a long range and sometimes get the ball in without even looking too hard. He knew exactly where to aim so he could do it with his eyes closed. My lil lady had to look up to the net, take her time and aim for where she wanted the ball to go. Even when she missed, she didn’t give up, she just repositioned herself, looked up and aimed again.
This made me reflect on life, as I do. Sometimes we have a goal and we keep on trying but when it doesn’t seem to be working we give up. We give up on all of our dreams and everything we may have worked for. There are times we have to do that because we might have got it wrong and the things we want are not in line with the Almighty’s plans for us. In those times it’s a bit like understanding when a closed door is a blessing because there’s something different and something better for us.
However, I’m talking about the things we truly believe are ours and we have had signs of confirmation. My boy just turned 15 and I remember when he was 4 or 5 and reports suggested that he would not be able to access the national curriculum. I didn’t accept those words because I had dreams about him that suggested the opposite and I truly believed those dreams. So I didn’t give up. Instead I looked up to the heavens for help and direction. I had to reposition myself, find out what I needed to do to change the pattern of things and my husband and I just kept aiming and aiming and aiming until things got better. We stood on the words “All things are possible for those who believe,” and tried not to lose focus even when we were tired of the knock backs.
I can testify today that we are getting the ball in the net so many times now and that boy who wasn’t able to, is now able to and even better than that, some teachers have predicted grades A and B (or the number equivalent) at GCSE if he carries on the path he’s walking on. Even though we believed, he also had to look up, aim and believe in the possibilities. We had to teach him that though. I often used the game of basketball when working with him on confidence building. He understood it and helped us to help him improve by accepting that he needed the help and by receiving it. Not everyone can do that independently but they can with a helping hand.
Are there things in our lives that we know we are meant to do or places we know we are meant to go and we keep trying and trying to get there or do it and it’s not happening? Well unless the hoop comes off the wall and the door closes so we know it’s not for us, we should try to keep looking up and keep aiming. We may need to reposition ourselves, acknowledge that we need some help and accept it, then keep believing that one day the ball will go in. All things are possible for those who believe.


Peace and love


Basketball insight

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