Words to inspire 031116

Words to inspire:

My husband is very particular and he always tells me, if we’re going to do anything we must do it well. I sometimes see him outside cleaning the streets just after the road sweepers have been. Apparently there is one particular worker that doesn’t do it properly, so he knows when that worker has been and when the other one who does it properly has been on duty.
I do a lot of voluntary work and work that pays a lot less than I’m used to. However, I have learnt even in those situations we must still give our very best and let our lights shine through.
While working or doing particular things, I keep bumping into people from the past, people that know me even though I don’t know them, or people I’ve had contact with on some level but never met in person. I had a conversation with someone the other day who told me about something great someone else had told them about. As she described it I laughed in my head. She had no idea she was explaining something I do and she was actually talking about me but did not know it. I didn’t tell her either. I’m far too modest.
It really made me think. Can you imagine if she was describing a bad experience and it was all about me. I think I would have cried.
Some times in life we have to do things we might not like, we might have to give our time for free or less than we would normally or do something which we are overqualified for. In those cases do we just give half of ourselves or do we do it well and let our lights shine? We may not see the impact it’s having on others.
I know in my experience, if I didn’t give my best in some of the things I did, I wouldn’t have the fruits I have now. We never know who is watching, who we need to impact or who we might work with in the future.
Parents even if your child doesn’t say anything, it doesn’t mean they are not watching. My boy often reminds me of that when he says to me “That’s not something you would do.” So I reply saying “How do you know?” He replies “I’ve watched you for …. years.” All the years of his life usually. That’s enough to make me think deeply about what I do.
If it’s our job to change smelly nappies, sweep after everyone, or work for the queen, whatever we do, do it well and let our lights shine. Trust me, there is a blessing in it.

Peace and love


Shine through

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