Words to inspire 021116

Words to inspire:

Another thing we love doing as a family is fruit picking. I used to go fruit picking as a child and we would come home and make jams, puddings and sauces with the fruit we picked.
When fruit picking, my lil lady would often look to me for reassurance. As she reaches out she would ask “Mummy is this one ready yet and is it the right size? She has an idea of what I like but she likes to double check. I would often respond with an explanation as to why it would be ready and appropriate for us or why it was not. Some of the fruit I like to take home would be ripe and some not quite there yet, but they will ripen in a day or so at home. I do not always want the biggest ones either.
One day my lil lady asked me what happens to the fruit we do not pick because they are not ready. I explained that those fruit had a different purpose and may either end up at someone else’s house, they may stay where they were or end up on the floor for the birds or the creatures of the earth to feed on them. There were lots of fruit which were ripe but not meant for our home.
Life can be a bit like that sometimes. We might be hanging on a vine and all the fruit around us has been picked because they look ready. Those of us that remain, may just need to wait a little bit longer and may have a different purpose. Not all raspberries will end up in the same house and even if they do, some may be used for jam, some will be eaten fresh and some may be used for a pudding. There might be some that are not used and end up in the recycling bin to start the circle of life again.
Waiting is not always easy and we might feel ready, but we do not know the full plan for our lives. We may need a bit more time for that role which is beyond our imagination. Lots of us may have been overlooked for particular responsibilities and feel rejected, but the fruit picker may not have been given insight into the plan for us or they were aware that they were not the ones to promote us. Perhaps that course or job was not ours for a reason.
Earlier this year I was not selected for a course I applied for and I was told that they did not think I was ready for what they had in mind. In the next breath I was asked whether I actually wanted to work in the role the course would lead to or was there something else? Actually I didn’t want to work in that specific role but I thought that route would lead me to my destination. I now understand my journey more and know that I am often chosen for the alternative route. There is no doubt that I will get to the place I need to be and it might not even be what I thought.
All fruit ripens eventually so do not worry if it appears as if we are taking longer than others. The plan for our lives might be so different to those that were picked today. We will definitely ripen and we will live out the plan for our lives.


Peace and love


Fruit picking

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