Words to inspire 011116

Words to inspire:

We hear a lot about open doors, windows of opportunity, seasons of prosperity etc, so many of us are constantly looking for and praying for those things. We hope and wish for those doors to open because we see that as being the fruits of our harvest. However do we think about and hope for closed doors too? Closed doors are often viewed as negative things but that isn’t always the case.
A few years ago, one of my greatest fears was the potential of losing my job. I was in a role that was very different to everyone else in the organisation so the discussion about a restructure or redundancy floated over my head for many years. I sighed a big sigh of relief every time it passed me by. I loved that job and everything that came with it. I had worked my way up in the organisation, had lots of opportunities, promoted to a higher scale for a while then I opted to return to my ‘safe’ role because it suited my personality. I probably would have carried on like that for years and years. I was blessed by that job in so many ways.
However, I knew I was evolving and other purposes began to emerge but I just dipped my toes in those other things around my main job. I considered reducing my hours but never considered that perhaps I needed to take a leap of faith and leave. It just wasn’t happening in my brain.
Nevertheless, the almighty knows me too well. Sadly I didn’t like to walk out of my comfort zone unless I was pushed really hard! I actually needed that job opportunity and security to be shut down for the change to occur. When it did, I didn’t know what I would do next but I wasn’t worried. I was thankful for that closed door on different levels. Blessings came from that closed door and they continue to come. The fact that I am even writing these words to inspire is due to that closed door.
Closed doors could also be for our protection. Something negative could have happened if we got in that car, took that flight or took a chance on that relationship which didn’t seem right but it was what we think we needed. In those instances the closed doors are necessary to help us. I have lots of stories about closed doors of opportunities and protection. Not every open door is good for us and not every closed door is bad.
Closed doors can be a blessing too.

Peace and love




Closed doors

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