Words to inspire 281016

Words to inspire:

Have you ever felt stuck in a situation and you didn’t think you could get out of it? Well my hands are up! It’s not a blame game but I remember I got myself stuck in lots of things because I put my feet there. Sometimes I made choices that weren’t good for me and then I cried out for help when my feet were too deep. I didn’t always consciously choose to get stuck though, but the circumstances in my life led me there. However, one day I made a choice not to be there anymore. Then I realised, the same way I put my feet in the sand will probably be the same way to get them out. I had to choose to be free and choose to remain free with the Almighty’s help.
Don’t get me wrong we can be trapped in things that we can’t get out of without divine intervention but I’m talking about the ones we choose consciously or subconsciously. We weren’t born with bad habits, so we can choose to give them up.
Things in my past contributed to the way I made choices. Although my past was bleak I woke up one day knowing that the story does not have to end that way.
A particular lifestyle could be all you know and you get stuck there. But I wonder, have you tried lifting up your feet? If they don’t move have you tried calling for help to get them out or have you just accepted that they will never be moved and that’s just the way it is? It might take the sea to give you a helping hand and soften the sand around your toes.

I strongly believe there is always a way if we choose to believe that it could be possible. It may not look the way we expect but I totally believe we can live freely from anything we don’t want to be enslaved by. Being free could also mean learning how to manage things differently so those things don’t restrict us. As a parent of children with ASD I know that too well. We might need to talk to someone that has been there to help us as we journey on…

But first please make a choice and try lifting up your feet.

Try lifting your feet

Peace and Love


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