Words to inspire 261016

Words to inspire:

One of our favourite things to do as a family is walking through the woods. It’s great to be close to nature and be able to explore freely. It’s also one place where we can go at any of the day and it will never be crowded. That’s a great thing for some of us.

When we walk through the woods, it’s always fun to let the children navigate and find the way out. During those times, the adults have to remain silent and follow the children.

One autumn’s day while we were out walking, we reached a point where there were leaves and branches covering the path. It seemed like there wasn’t a way though. The eldest child said “We can’t get out that way as there’s no clear path.” The youngest child said “Yes we can! The path is just covered up, so we just need to move things to get through.”
I smiled at that. I knew there was a message for me in the wisdom of that response.

Sometimes we look for a way through but we can’t see it so we feel stuck. Perhaps the path is hidden and we haven’t considered that certain things need to be moved so we can see the way through? We might need to make decisions to remove things that are blocking the way… We may need more guidance.

Even if it’s covered up, there’s always a way through. Keep going.

Covered path


Peace and love



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