Words to inspire 251016

Words to inspire:

When I was reflecting, I was taken back to this time last year when we were invited round to spend time with family, carving pumpkins of light and toasting marshmallows. There was a big roasting fire and Nae-Nae was looking forward to toasting the marshmallows but she was a little apprehensive about going near the fire. She was given a helping hand and then later she did it independently and was so happy. The toasted marshmallows were amazing. Marshmallows are nice as they are but when they are put through the fire, they taste even more amazing. The outer layer becomes crispy and harder and the inner layer is soft and tastes sweeter in my opinion.
Sometimes we have to go through the fire to be refined and made better. Precious metals are refined when they go through the fire.
It might be difficult and even scary but in order to improve some of us have to go through it. We will always be sent the right people to help us during those times too.
I’ve been through the fire lots of times in my life and I can testify that certain fiery experiences have transformed me as a person for the better. I might have been burnt around the edges a few times but ultimately I feel I have been made sweeter like the toasted marshmallows.
Fires burn but they also refine.

Peace and love



Toasting marshmallows

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