Words to inspire 201016

Words to inspire:

Do you ever feel like you are hanging by a thread or a thin rope? When you are hanging do you notice that life still continues around you?
When I was thinking about this I took myself back to my childhood, when playing outside was all we did. We didn’t have much going on in rural Suffolk but we made life fun. All we needed was tyres, sticks and a thin rope and we would make a rope swing.
When on a rope swing I found it more scary to stop still cos I worried if the rope is going to break. But when I was swinging and having fun that distracted me from that concern.
So if you are hanging try and swing and find ways to enjoy life. It could just distract you from the things you worry about which actually you don’t need to worry about. You are being held. Trust that power, swing on your rope and enjoy life.


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