Its ok to laugh with me.

I wrote this blog and then I deleted it because I’m an over thinker sometimes. I thought about it and wondered whether it’s too much of a sensitive issue and when I tell the story and I’m laughing would it appear that I’m making mockery of the situation or my child? Then I reflected for a few days and had conversations with my friends about different aspects of our journey. After that I realised that what I write is my reality and even though I make light of it and bring humour sometimes it’s still real and if it offends, im sorry but this is my life. The comment box is there for discussion.  It may also help others who think they are alone in things or help others have an insight of what could happen in their future if they aren’t at that stage yet. But most importantly it spreads awareness of what us parents have to deal with and we don’t always have the answers and that’s ok, cos we live and learn. Sometimes I laugh to prevent myself from crying… With what has happened in our lives the last year, and what we are currently facing, humour is welcome.

Ok so bra shopping…!

I will tell you, shopping for bras with Nae-Nae was the funniest thing ever. I’m immune to feeling embarrassed now so to me it was just funny. Remember I just said laughter can prevent tears lol.

So Nae-Nae has been developing rapidly. This has been a long time coming as she’s been interested in breasts for a long time. One time we were dropping JJ off at a friends house and this was when he first started secondary school so Nae-Nae would have been about 8/9. I must admit the boy’s mum has great firm breasts *closes eyes* and Nae-Nae noticed them and yep she just went up to her with both hands stretched out and squeezed!! The mum’s face! My face! JJ’s face!! I felt for my boy that day. He would have wished the ground would open up and swallow him up. He thought his friend would tell everyone and the mum would be so offended he wouldn’t be allowed there again.

The mum was very understanding, I explained briefly and apologised. JJ’s friend never mentioned it to anyone but I knew he wouldn’t. He’s such a good boy who is extremely loving. I think he imagined JJ’s pain. They are still best friends several years later and he totally gets Nae-Nae and is so good with her too.

Nae-Nae became less obsessed with breasts over the years but all her drawings started having young ladies with great big breasts. Even when they were wearing clothes their cleavage was showing slightly so we had the talk. She knew most of what I was saying as she’s so interested in medical science and the body, she watches birthing programmes for fun so there wasn’t much I could teach her.


However she started getting annoyed that her breasts were not developing as quickly as others and she would tell me she desired big ones. I had to use her own pet hates against this and explained that big breasts on her little body will equal back ache which might mean feeling poorly and not being able to go to school and get 100% attendance. Seriously it worked! I don’t know why I took so long to think of it.

Anyway, once primary school finished I decided actually she does need bras for secondary school and I would make a big thing of it and go to another town near us where they have a big store with the initials JL. Expensive but quality and we can get her fitted and she could choose her own things rather than me just buying things for her and bringing it home. She has a particular style now so I let her pick her own clothes online but for this it needed a trip to the shops.

Now going into shops these days isn’t always the easiest thing to do because she’s got a thing about pop music playing in shops. She hates it! When we arrived I went in first to check and thankfully there was no music playing. We found the floor we wanted and we went in the lift. She was so excited. I didn’t know what to expect but she looked happy so that was good.

We found a shop assistant and asked if she could measure Nae-Nae. As she was attending to another customer and her colleague was also tied up, she suggested we look in the teen section and pick some of the smaller sizes and try some on in the fitting room while we’re waiting. The lady suggested we try a certain size and said to Nae-Nae “You’ve only got little ones so that will probably be the best size.” In my head I was like Nooooo don’t tell her that!! But instead I just found a way to distract Nae-Nae from that comment.

I picked up some crop top bras but Nae-Nae wasn’t impressed, however I just ignored her and said she only needs to try them on to see what they are like. She picked some bras but then looked around as she said she needed matching knickers or it won’t work lol. She is her mother’s daughter!!! I managed to persuade her to try on the bras first and we’ll work out the rest once we’ve got the size correct.

We went to the fitting room and started trying them on. The shop assistant came to the fitting room to help us once she had finished with the other customer. Nae-Nae was modelling in front of the mirror with one on checking it out. She told the shop assistant she didn’t like the crop top bra version as it (her words) made her boobs look small. I could see the lady trying not to laugh. Nae-Nae walked around in the one she had on then put her shirt back on to see it in full effect cupping them to check the movement. She liked that one. She told us that the padding complimented her boobs.

That was it I had to laugh so I could give permission to the shop assistant to laugh too as I could see she was finding it hard to keep a straight face. I was in hysterics, I was laughing so much I couldn’t breathe. Nae-Nae tried a few more on and those that complimented her ‘boobs’ were the ones she selected. The shop assistant and I convinced her that the crop top bras were also good especially for sports as they looked like sports bras. She accepted that and let me put them in the basket.

We came out into the section again as she still wanted to find matching knickers but we didn’t find her size. She went up to the shop assistant and told her that we will have to go to the shop with the initials M and S as this was not good enough. Oh boy! I couldn’t believe it. She’s 11 and she’s already telling people off for not having what she needed in terms of underwear. I just advised Nae-Nae that was still happy with what we had selected so let’s go and pay.

While we were waiting to pay Nae-Nae asked if we could go on the escalator on the way out, but when she says escalator for some reason she has to say it in an American accent. She then went back to her posh English voice. The woman standing in the queue in front looked a bit confused so I asked Nae-Nae why she was speaking like she’s American when she’s not. I saw the woman smile. Nae-Nae just kept repeating it and laughing.

After a few seconds she got a bit restless standing in the queue and asked if she could look around for other knickers just in case we missed it. I agreed but told her to stay in eye shot so I could see her and try not to touch the displays. Well… It was like I could read her mind as she went straight up to the mannequin who had a matching bra and knickers set on. That’s what Nae-Nae wanted. I heard her tell the shop assistant and she was advised that set didn’t come in her size and the lady apologised.

Ok, that was fine but then it came… Nae-Nae gently pulled on the mannequin’s knickers to see behind and then shouted to me across the store
“Mum why hasn’t the mannequin got hairs on her vag**a?”
Yes the whole store stopped still! The woman in the queue looked round at me, the shop assistant looked over at me, the cashier froze and looked at me, other shoppers looked over at me. Time stopped!
So with a straight face I replied “Can you imagine how long it would take for someone to add hairs to each mannequin down there? They don’t even have time to make them wigs for their head.” I then let the laughter out to give permission to everyone else that it was ok to laugh too. I’m sure they were relieved to be able to let it out. I shook my head in despair. It had to be my child who says whatever she thinks loudly…!


It was our turn to be served so I called her over to stand with me. The shop assistants all made a fuss of her at that point and we were given a beautiful bag to carry our items home in. Nae-Nae was very happy!

We both left the shop smiling. They will never forget my child ever! So did I decide to go to the MS store for round 2? Of course I did! LOL! We found more stuff in her size so that was good. I noticed that Nae-Nae tried to creep to another mannequin to check whether there was anything behind their knickers lol, at which point I shouted “no!” She turned around giving me a puppy dog look like I’ve just spoiled her fun. A shop assistant nearby just said “Don’t worry mum only six more weeks of the holiday left..”
Yeah, thanks for that!

Shopping in New York soon YAY…! I can’t wait!

A sense of humour in this life is very important! Be warned!

Peace and love



  • Nicole Bridgeman says:

    ? This is the best!!!! So glad you didn’t delete and decided to share…. Love to Nae-Nae and JJ. Much love Nic, Adam and Noah xxx

  • Tracey says:

    I just literally LOL!!! So funny tho I don’t know I’d have reacted as well as you did! You need a medal! Xx

    • MrsJK says:

      LOL!! It happened over a week ago and I still laugh about it now. I dunno if I need a medal though but thanks. I’ve just learnt to think quickly on my feet with these ones cos she would have demanded some sort of explanation so that was the quickest one I could think of. Otherwise she would have asked me to google the answer or she would have been getting me to ask the staff and I just needed to laugh so I wasn’t going to drag it out. Life needs laughter too. xx

  • Andrea M says:

    Love love love this ? Quick thinking you gave the perfect response as usual x

  • Vanessa says:

    Oh goodness me!!!!! The tears were streaming out my eyes about the mannequin part; ) you coped so well, I think I would have lost all speech! !!;) thank you for sharing and reminding us to laugh at some of the challenges we face;)

  • MrsJK says:

    Thank you all for commenting too. Its nice to hear what you think about what I write too. Peace and Love