
The Early bird catches the best worm – Parenting Autism

August 11, 2016 2:07 pm

So I’m not one that sleeps beyond sunrise. I think I wake up in the morning just to have a race with the sun. In the past I used to blame my children for my body clock. They were the reason I was up so early but now that doesn’t wash and it’s actually not them anymore as I’m the first one up with MrJK as close second. 4am sometimes 3am… is a time I get up and reflect without anyone calling my name. Sometimes I don’t always make the best use of the time and I just scroll up…

Its ok to laugh with me.

August 1, 2016 10:12 am

I wrote this blog and then I deleted it because I’m an over thinker sometimes. I thought about it and wondered whether it’s too much of a sensitive issue and when I tell the story and I’m laughing would it appear that I’m making mockery of the situation or my child? Then I reflected for a few days and had conversations with my friends about different aspects of our journey. After that I realised that what I write is my reality and even though I make light of it and bring humour sometimes it’s still real and if it offends, im…