Autism Awareness Month Day 7 Still tired…

I managed to have a least one day off during the school holidays and today was the day. JJ stayed over his friends house so I had to go and fetch him. I was still too tired for words but I did have a good sleep.
Nae-Nae was up early marking one of her test papers. Although the reading test was hard she did very well and was pleased that she at least managed to get more than 60% correct. Personally I don’t know why the government puts 10-11 years through this amount of pressure but that is a debate for another day.
Nae-Nae let me tidy up her hair without any moaning as she planned to meet up with a few friends from school today. I was really shocked when she told me she didn’t want a big birthday party this even though I planned to do one for her. I am a party organiser and children’s entertainer so it would have been really cost effective but she opted out of it. I think perhaps she’s waiting until she graduates from primary school and will expect me to throw a big party then, so she is being wise thinking I won’t do both… However, she did ask to meet up with her best friends from school and go and play laser tag so I agreed to that although again I was quite shocked that she would want to do that. She is maturing and she doesn’t really do cinema, only bowling on occasions, and she’s not really a big shopper so to hang out with her friends there’s not much to do that she likes so when she suggested playing laser tag I thought ok. It was also something that JJ wouldn’t mind doing too and as I’ve been working all holiday I haven’t really done much with them both so it was killing two birds with a stone.
I picked JJ up and his friend’s dad warned me that perhaps he will need some sleep as he heard them talking late at night. He wasn’t wrong! The moment JJ sat in the car he was gone into a deep sleep. I had to stop by one of my sis’ house to collect a car seat for my grandbaby so I could pick her and her mum from the station tomorrow. I had to wake JJ up to come in and when he got into his aunty’s house he sat down and was fast asleep again. I was a bit cruel and startled him and he was well confused. I had little sympathy though as it was self inflicting. I can imagine they were up most of the night gaming. He would probably do that at home given the chance but nah not round here. After 9pm any form of gaming is switched off even during school holidays. They are both very obedient to that rule and although they might try and push it to 9.30pm sometimes if they know we’re distracted or I’m out, they won’t push the boundaries beyond that. They are good like that I must admit.
Anyway my sis surprised Nae-Nae with an absolutely beautiful cake. Nae-Nae loves nature and everything Spring. Her godmother saw her winning Easter bonnet on my display picture and modelled that idea with her love for daisies. My sis hasn’t been baking designer cakes for long but she is really talented and it was absolutely amazing!!! She also surprised me with musical note cupcakes for my birthday which were absolutely delicious. She knows me so well and knows I love cake!! It’s not great for my waistline but I love cake!
When Nae-Nae saw the cake her eyes completely lit up. She wasn’t expecting a cake so beautiful. Nae-Nae is a tough customer too. If she doesn’t like something or think it’s very good she will tell you straight. She doesn’t lie in that respect she will just say “it’s not good or its rubbish” and will give constructive feedback so if Nae-Nae says something is great it really is great. I won’t lie, this is sometimes hard to parent as she can embarrass us in front of people at times because she doesn’t mince her words. We can be out in public and she has a thing about eating disorders. Another fascination along with rare conditions. Well at time she will say out loud so the whole world can hear “Mummy I think that man suffers from obesity” or she will name another technical word for it. Those are the times I want to dig a hole and climb in it.
She also has an eye for beauty, fashion and make-up. If I’m not dressed well in her opinion she will tell me whereas JJ is a lot kinder but also truthful. He will say “it would look better if you put red matching earrings with it.” Nae-Nae will say those earrings are ugly take them off. Or JJ will say “it’s a bit too tight mum” whereas Nae-Nae will say “You look fat in that mummy, change it.”
I do value their opinion a lot of the time but sometimes I can be rebellious and do what I want if I feel it looks good. I have a quirky style and they might not always get what I’m trying to achieve in my look but if I do and I like it oh well. These children have taught me to be thick skinned too. Lots of people could be offended by their honesty but I’m used to it now. Besides they are a chip off the old block. MrJK is equally honest! He’s not the kind of hubby that will tell me I look great if I don’t. However if I do look hot or I’ll pass then he reacts well. My children and hubby aren’t people pleasers. Well… JJ has that little trait from me but he is still able to be constructive.
Nae-Nae asked us all to stand on the weighing scales when we came home from laser. We all had so much fun and it was lovely to see Nae-Nae with her friends laughing and conversing. Ok back to the scales…as Nae-Nae thought that laser tag was a good form of exercise we should have all lost a few pounds. I know… I’m trying to make her understand it doesn’t quite work like that but she was adamant we needed to. She congratulated JJ when he came off the scales but as for me oh boy..! I had actually put on a few pounds since the last time I went on the scales and I can’t even say it’s muscle because I haven’t been to the gym in weeks. Did I feel terrible? Yes I did! If you ever need motivation to lose weight or maintain a good size, come round here! I started back on a healthy eating plan this week so this was enough to make sure I stick to it for the next few weeks while work and life is so busy that I can’t get to the gym or up doing much exercise. I’ve got to be on it to sustain this life.
JJ was sitting at his desk at 7pm and the boy was asleep just sitting there so I sent him to bed. He tried to debate with me that he wasn’t asleep and he felt fine but I wasn’t having any of it so off he went. He was out like a light too. I was feeling very much the same so I retired to bed just after, leaving Nae-Nae and MrJK to crack on together. I could hear lots of laughter but then squeals so I suspected they were playing a board game together and Nae-Nae was winning then not. I was too tired to find out so off I went into the land of dreams. Ready for another day…!

Peace and love


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