
Believe and show them, they will believe – A day in the life parenting Autism while climbing my mountains

July 29, 2015 8:00 pm

I’m a firm believer in all things are possible and I try to show that to my children in all that I do. Yes things may be hard sometimes but if we never try something we won’t know if we are able to conquer it or not or whether we will like it or not. Living with my beauts there’s always new things to try or revisit and we celebrate every success even the smallest of things. This might sound yucky but Nae-Nae calls one of us (either MrJK or I) after she has been to the toilet when we are at…

Lacking emotion or emotionally focused? A day in the life parenting Autism while climbing my mountain

July 21, 2015 10:26 pm

  When I hear the myth that says children on the spectrum aren’t in tune with their own emotions or other people’s emotions I smile… That couldn’t be further from the truth for my children. The beauty of the spectrum is that its so wide, no two children are the same. Some might have difficulties or do they? Do we just perceive that to be the case? Last day of term was upon us. It always seems to be a tear jerker for lots of people but not everyone. Children moving from nursery to primary school, primary school children moving…

Worry about the future? A day in the life – Parenting Autism while climbing my mountain

July 15, 2015 8:00 pm

Do you ever worry about the future? What will my life be like? What will my children be like? Will we be ok? Yeah the usual kind of stuff. I’m not going to pretend that I don’t worry about anything but this week I was reminded that worries take care of themselves and everything has a plan and the pieces of the puzzle will be found and slot into place at the appointed time. Growing up I think I worried about everything. I didn’t have much confidence and I had very low self esteem and my worries were genuine to…

Sports day yay! A day in a life – Parenting Autism while climbing my mountain

July 7, 2015 11:25 am

Sports day hmmm… I’m not a fan of it now but I used to love it as a kid. Maybe because I was a fast little thing and usually came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in my races. I’m not a fan of it now though due to the effect it has on my kids Nae-Nae especially. JJ is at the age where he only competes in the thing he is great at and he gets to choose. So he chooses table tennis doubles competition cos with his friend partnership they the ability to wipe the floor with all the other…