Autism awareness month last day!

A day in the life living and working with special beings on the Autistic spectrum…

Today wasn’t day off Thursday so off to work I went. It was a very productive day but equally a bit hard cos I knew it wasn’t my day off Thursday.

I dropped off the kids to school on the way to work but before I left I asked MissJK to send recorded messages to her godmothers as two of them both share the same birthday. She sang sweetly on one of them but the other she sang the first verse in a sweet tone and then half way through she turned up the volume and increased the pitch and laughed as she did it. It was so funny. I think she knew her godmother would find it hilarious and true to that she did and her children thought it was awesome too. MasterJK is far too cool for that now so I don’t make him leave any messages.

Off to work and I did some awesome firefighting work with some clients and got lots resolved which was great as it will save a lot of hard work in the long run.

After work I received a call that made me feel ‘wow really.’ At first I felt upset but after a few minutes I was very reflective and was just at peace. What had occurred could have done some potential damage with relationships I have built up for a good reason but I knew God is in control so it will be resolved.

When I wrote my daily diary blogs throughout Autism Awareness month I had to be completely real to help people be aware. I am sensitive to the reader on some level but I can’t leave the reality out of my life cos it is what it is. It therefore saddened me that things were misconstrued and this blog and some things I had written were reported to professional bodies today but I’m not angry I felt more sorry and sad about the ignorance and misunderstanding involved in the incident. I just wish if the person didn’t understand something or like something they could have commented and I would have explained to them instead of having to give the explanation the way I had to.

The whole idea around the daily diary was to give people an insight into the reality of our world and what kind of things trigger our children on the Autistic spectrum, some things that other folk might not comprehend. I have been real and given my children’s exact words which might not always be politically correct (cos they don’t always know how to do that) then I interpreted what they meant in a factual way. I put their feelings out there for the world to see and I interpreted these feelings that may be different to some of ours. I gave real life examples not just facts that can be obtained from the internet or in a book. I gave a parent’s perspective on how the reality of life is. The person behind MrsJK always tries to stay positive and happy and this is due to her faith but we all have challenges behind that so I opened the JK home to that reality.

I have really enjoy being as open as I can and letting you into a world you might not usually see. The JK family are all very unique beings from the King of the castle to the Queen in the parlour to the Prince in the chamber across to the Princess on the throne.

This is just the beginning because the world needs to know and have a deeper understanding of what it is like to live on the Autistic Spectrum but not only that, how to work and parent in these situations when you yourself have struggled with issues of self esteem, lack of self worth, been sexually and emotionally abused and now standing cos nothing is going to stop you now.

Let’s keep believing that all things are possible for those who believe.

Please feel free to leave any comments or feedback Keep well and keep shining your lights wherever you go. Your story may be what someone else needs.

Peace out!

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