Autism Awareness Month (special entry)

A day in the life living and working with special ones on the Autistic Spectrum….

Its Saturday..! Started early 4am I’m most productive before the sun rises so with the clocks changing this means earlier than last season… But went to bed early last night so it was all good. I thought I was the only one that was up at what a clock but had text conversations with a few other people who were also up. Yeah there’s lots of us out there! I was doing some research for something I need to act on now. Watched tutorials until insanity kicked in and I realised its best to wait until MasterJK gets up as he maybe of some assistance. He was indeed! However I also messaged one of my bros who is the IT guru and he sorted things further. He’s always good to talk things through with. He also coaches me in the nicest way possible when sometimes I think he wants to wring my neck. But he loves me dearly so I’m still breathing. I learnt a lot about not trying to always find the solutions independently and at times its better just to delegate to a skilled person who won’t need to spend hours working out how to do it. My bro was hooking that up for me. Phew!

MissJK hates her hair being braided but likes the finished product so the day before I give her a warning and tell her the time we will be doing it. So it was set at 9am but somehow I lost track of time and she wasn’t going to remind me. So I approached her when I was ready and gave her a 5 minute warning. She was quite angry about this asking why does she have to do her hair. I said if she wants it cut like MasterJK I can sort that out but short of that it can’t remain in the state it was especially as she back to school on Tuesday.

She reluctantly sat in the chair but was being completely defiant moving her head all around so I couldn’t keep hold of the plait so I told her off… Well then came the massive meltdown like you wouldn’t believe which involved screaming crying grabbing me in places she shouldn’t. At one point I had to gently retrain her to prevent her causing harm to me or herself. She was going completely off on one. The neighbours must have heard her and thought what must I have done to her? It was so loud that MasterJK with headphones on was disturbed so I excused him to another room.

When she had calmed down to some degree I put her back on the chair and carried on doing her hair while talking her through it as she was saying to me that she wants to live with someone else who doesn’t tell her off and shout. I raised my voice to a volume she didn’t like. It wasn’t quite shouting as she was shouting at me so I explained that to her which wasn’t making her stop. As she was crying I carried on doing her hair and explaining to her that she was placed in my womb for a purpose and I was meant to be her mother as there’s something about her and her purpose that I can understand and nurture so no she can’t go and live with someone else cos I’m not giving up on her. She’s mine and I have to love but also correct her when she’s going off.

I didn’t say much after that but she was still whimpering.  I carried on doing her hair as she expected me to stop in the chaos of it all but nah. After a few minutes she stopped crying turned round in the chair correctly so I could do her hair with ease and watched something on her IPad. Her mood changed in a flash and she turned around quickly to give me a hug and told me she’s being good now. Yeah that’s right! She’s helped teach me to build myself up with stern stuff that I can’t be moved easily. I finished in speedy time and she was very happy.

MasterJK was practising his violin and from downstairs I could hear that he wasn’t quite getting the timing right of a particular song which is a classical classic. I flew down the stairs to give him my input. He looked shocked that I would know the song… I’m not classically trained as he is but he needs to remember I’ve been around lol and I love all types of music. Plus I coach children on different instruments and I use different material from all genres. I sang the melody of the song in the speed it should be and told him that his music teacher did suggest that he do it at a slightly slower speed but not at the rate he was doing it in. At first he thought I was being critical (I’m a hard woman at times) but I gave feedback with love and praised him when he got it. He was happy thereafter and I saw that pleasantly surprised look in his face. Well we pay a lot of money for those lessons so if I can help him advance even quicker to get more than our money’s worth lol why not help?! I can’t play the violin myself (yet) but its one for the future.

Later on I popped out and on the way back on request from the children I collected D’s Pizzas. This used to be something we only ate when visiting a bro which was like a ritual that had to be carried out. It was a bit out of the blue for MissJK to request it for dinner when we discussed the menu ideas earlier this week. I was surprised but went with it.

When in both children showed their excitement for the dinner option. MissJK came and hugged and kissed me. She asked “are you happy now?” This was in relation to earlier where she knows her meltdown doesn’t make me happy. I replied I’m happy yes I don’t always love certain behaviours but I always love you.”

We all ate happily and then I got ready to go out for the evening. Both children asked where I was going and were quite excited by the responses. MissJK asked what time I will be back – yeah like my mother and I advised that she should go to bed before I get back as it will probably be late and I couldn’t give her a specific time now.

One really special young man who is one of the recent internet music sensation signed with a top management company and record label was having his first radio play via #BBC introducing so I was selected as one of his exclusive guests to his ‘listening party.’ I have watched his journey and used to jammed with him and played one of gig with him with me on bass guitar in the early early days even before he knew he wanted to be a professional musician, so to see this day with him was momentous and I was totally honoured to get an invite.

Oh it was amazing! One of my other bros offered to give me a lift so no messing about we got there early to grab one of the best seat. I got really emotional listening and watching him fly. He’s my boy! It was like watching your child grow up and fly in the sky. I can only imagine how his mum felt cos no doubt it was whatever I felt and 100 times more. It was a momentous moment when song was played. We were then treated to a live concert which was a tear jerking experience. He played the song that did it for him which still in Uni which was heard and played across the world that several thousands of hits in one night and he was on the news in America by morning. That was pretty dope! He is destined to be a star! One of the folk there told me that another celebrity lives two doors away too and he knows him well – great things come out of Hertfordshire. Our boy’s career will be as if not more amazing guaranteed!

I had a great evening of chat, food and partying down to the tunes. I wouldn’t have been anywhere else tonight.

When I got home the household was sleeping so quick freshen up and I joined them. I get to sing a song I wrote with some church kids again tomorrow. That’s always a great thing! Super super super day.

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